
What is Phonic Sound and how to speak?

Phonic is a method to teach children in school how to read. it makes the child aware of the individual sounds that we make when we speak English. It teaches children about the letter symbols that represent each of these sounds. Finally, It teaches children and parents how to write these symbols, combine them into words, and at the same time how to read them. The sounds of the letters are given below. Let us know the letters as they sounded

Vowel Sound

Aa'a' sound as in cat or apple (not in ape or name)
Ee'e' sound as in bed or set ( not in feed or meet)
Ii'i' as in big or sit and ink (not in ice cream)
Oo'o' as in not or God (not in open)
Uu'u' as in but or fun (not in uniform)

Consonant Sound

Bbsays बThe sound of 'b' as in bib.
CcsaysकThe sound of 'c' as in cat(k) (not the sound of 'c' as in see)
Ddsays डThe sound of 'd' as in bad.
Ffsaysफthe sound of 'f' as in bluff (place the upper teeth lightly on the lower lip and at the same time force your breath in a steady stream)
GgsaysगThe sound of 'g' as in girl or bag.
HhsaysहThe sound of 'h' as in hat.
JjsaysजThe sound of 'j' as in Raj or jelly.
KksaysकThe sound of 'k' as in back.
LlsaysलThe sound of 'l' as in ball.
MmsaysमThe sound of 'm' as in dam.
NnsaysनThe sound of 'n' in fun.
PpsaysपThe sound of 'p' as in pup (Close your lips tightly, below them apart with little puffs of breath)
QqsaysकवThe sound of 'q' as in queen.
RrsaysरThe sound of 'r' as in rat.
SssaysसThe sound fo 's' as in yes (make the hissing sound sss...)
TtsaysटThe sound of 't' as on bot.
VvsaysवThe final sound of 'v' as in give or five (bite of your lower lip when pronouncing)
WwsaysवThe of 'w' as in way (make a circle of the lips to pronounce the first sound)
XxsaysकसThe sound of 'x' as in six (A combined sound fo k and s)
YysaysयThe first sound of 'y' as in yes
Zzsaysज़The find sound of 'z' as in jazz.

Here are some phonics worksheets for children to download.

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