
5 Ways To Motivate early childhood education At Homes

Do you have to register your child in the kindergarten of an early education or pre-school center to improve his learning skills?

M Many parents faced with this question in the early stages once their children start talking, and although there are many opponents to the idea of sending the child of two years old to kindergarten, but there is a Canadian study began in 1999 until now advised to send children to the nursery as a motivator to learn more and improve their skills through early childhood education.

This study found that children who had bad oral skills aged two to three years (whatever the social and economic conditions) have been exposed to problems in kindergarten, and they were less able to pass the high school. Also, they faced difficulties in their future personal relationships and in finding a job. 

Kerry McCuaig, of the Ontario Institute for Studies on education at the University of Toronto, and co-author of the study states that “There are a number of genetic markers that can work, for good or bad, as a result of the environment surrounding the child. Any good learning program can help to compensate children for bad home environment, and enhance the care and attention in good homes. “

Despite the availability of many of the early childhood education centers, you can enhance the skills of the child to learn at home by following these great and easy ways as following:

1. Learning from everyday activities:

Children love to learn by nature at early years, and they use their small hands to learn. You can, for example, to improve the development of counting skills by counting games or cans while you arrange them. Give them how to learn standing lines & sleeping lines.


2. Set a special time for reading:

Cindy Brandon, professor and coordinator of the Childhood Studies program at the University of Toronto says that: “the power of reading is huge for your child.” Some studies suggest that reading increases the number of vocabulary by 40% using phonics words. Also, reading for children enhances the relationships between children and their parents. Try simple books that will help your children to experiment and discovery.

3. Names:

At the age of one-year-old early learning, children begin using their fingers to indicate the things that they want. As it is your turn to give every purpose or game name and repeat it until the child learns it well. This applies to the names of the people as well.

4. Encourage free playing:

Set a specific time and a place for free play so that the child learns to touch, feel, and taste things alone. Children have a short attention periods and love to experience new things. Pay attention to the preferences of the child and try to increase his skills through playing and catch the things.

5. Sing to him a simple song:

The tune lets children learn different rhythms and repetition, which can be simple songs that stimulate the math and language skills. Children can learn the alphabet with phonic sound by having fun in listening to the alphabet song by your voice using your special tune.

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