Brain Development, Care, Childs, Kids Books, Parenting

Reading with Children making the most out of bedtime stories

Teaching a child to read is a great thrill. We all love the looks on their faces when they sound out a few letters for the first time and say the word, mama. This is not a moment we would want to save for a teacher; this is my special moment.

Children should be well on their way to knowing the alphabet and sounding out words long before they arrive at kindergarten. It is easy to teach and a lot of fun.

Letters and phonics can be used in many different games. Using games, flashcards, and daily reading time, letter, and word recognition should come to your child early in life.

The sooner, the better, and the more they read, the smarter they will become.

We teach the love of reading very early in our children’s life by getting into the habit of a bedtime book. This becomes a very special time for our children and us. It is the one time they can count on to have my undivided attention. It ends their day with a good feeling, and getting them to bed on time is much easier when they know they get a story and a little one on one.

The last impression of the day becomes a very important time to make sure your child is feeling good about life, family, and themselves.

A story, hug, and a big kiss send them off to dreamland with the right feelings. Spanking, screaming and yelling. We should want our children to think about before they fall asleep and dream about all night. Make bedtime special with a book.

As the children grow, the bedtime story at our house becomes a mutual effort.

The more you can get them to read, and the more they enjoy it, the better life will be for them in the future.

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